Thursday 30 May 2013

Day 30: Inspirational women

A very quick one tonight: I have just got back from my six days away with The Boy in Berlin (more on that to follow soon).  For today's topic, I had wanted to write about my grandfather and how he inspired me but I just haven't got time so that's a post that will have to wait for another time.  Instead, here are some women who inspire me: the suffragettes. 

Image from here.  There was also a wonderful article by Kira Cochrane in The Guardian earlier this week about lessons modern feminists can learn from their foremothers. 


  1. Well this is mental. I have just clicked on this as I'm watching the end of the programme - Clare Balding's Secrets of a Suffragette - you should watch it on 4OD it was fascinating. All about Emily Wilding Davison.

    1. Ooh, thanks for the tip. I'll definitely take a look.
